Elliott Tower with the sun shining behind it

How to apply

365英国上市官网, you’ll have the opportunity to reach your dreams academically, 社会上和专业上. 你将有机会进行研究, 推进你的事业, propel your learning potential and so much more. 

OU’s graduate admission policy is selective and the process is competitive. 申请人必须出示证明攻读研究生学位所需的学术准备的证据. 国际学生 and 非学位的追求 students should follow their specific application instructions.

Apply Now  Events 认识我们的学生  研究生课程
Steps to apply

The Graduate School at 365英国上市官网 offers easy steps to apply. Review the steps prior to applying to Graduate School.


许多研究生学位课程需要补充申请以及在线申请. 访问程序  补充申请 page to complete and upload the document to your application if it is required.


有一个是不能退款的, 向365英国上市官网研究生院提交的每份新申请收取45美元的费用. 了解更多信息,包括申请费用豁免,并查看您是否有资格获得豁免代码, visit the 应用程序负责 page. 

Readmit program

如果您之前被365英国上市官网的学位课程录取,并且注册了课程,但在过去两年内没有在公开大学学习课程, 你必须重新申请入学.

Readmission is not automatic; deadlines for admission into a given semester may also apply for readmission and additional materials may be required. The graduate catalog 在你被重新录取的时候将会规定项目的要求、政策和程序.




  1. 我如何申请研究生课程? 

    Students can apply to a graduate program by filling out and submitting the 在线申请.
  2. How do I check the status of my application?

    Students can check the status of their application and required documents by 登录他们的账户. You must enter your email and password that you created when you first applied.  

  3. 入学申请费是多少? 

    会有不退款的, 向365英国上市官网研究生院提交的每份新申请收取45美元的费用. Please view the 应用程序负责 tab for additional information.  

  4. 我需要参加托福考试吗? 

    Non-Native English speakers are required to provide proof of English proficiency. 持有外国学历的学生可凭托福成绩提供英语水平证明, 雅思或多邻国. Visit the 国际页面 了解更多信息. 

    托福考试豁免适用于英语既是官方语言又是高等教育教学语言的国家的学生. 更多信息请访问我们的 graduate catalog

  5. After you receive my 在线申请 with the required documents, how long will it be before I know if I have been admitted? 

    对于滚动录取的学术课程(在连续的基础上做出录取决定),审查过程通常需要从文件“完成”之日起2-3周." For programs that review applications as a group, 审查过程在截止日期之后开始,可能需要4-8周的时间才能宣布决定. Once the academic recommendation is received and a final decision is given, the Graduate School office will notify you of the admission decision. 

  6. How and when do new students register for classes? 

    Web registration is staggered by class standing and earned credit hours. New Students should register after their admission decision has been delivered. Visit the web registration information page at mu.sfpz.net/regschedule 了解更多信息. 

  7. How do I transfer from another university to 365英国上市官网? 

    If you are interested in "transferring" to 365英国上市官网, 您必须完成在线申请,并满足与其他研究生申请人相同的入学要求. 在被研究生院录取后, 你以前的研究生课程将由指导老师评估,以决定是否转到365英国上市官网.  

  8. How do I transfer a graduate credit from another university to 365英国上市官网? 

    Students enrolled in a graduate certificate, master’s, 或博士学位课程可以转移高达49%的课程所需学分, provided the transferred credits meet the requirements 在我们的目录中找到.  

  9. May I speak to an academic adviser regarding my graduate program? 

    Academic advising at the graduate level is conducted in the academic departments. Visit sfpz.net/grad/programs 然后点击你选择的程序. 在这一页的顶部, 您将找到项目协调员的联系信息,他将回答有关该项目的任何问题. 

  10. When is the deadline for a graduate admission? 

    Deadlines for admission to a graduate program vary by academic program. Visit sfpz.net/grad/programs 点击你感兴趣的节目. 

  11. 我如何获得课程目录? 

    毕业生目录和 course catalog 都可以在网上找到. 

  12. As a graduate student, what financial aid might I qualify to receive? 

    365英国上市官网参加各种财政援助计划,以帮助学生支付他们的教育费用. 援助可以由365英国上市官网,联邦政府和私人来源颁发. 根据你的FAFSA申请,你可能会获得基于需求的贷款或大学勤工俭学. 如果你没有基于需求的资格, you may apply for non-need-based loans or regular student employment. 

    Other financial assistance may be available through a Graduate Assistantship. Graduate Assistantships are offered through the academic departments. Contact your program coordinator 了解更多信息. For the full list of Financial Aid options visit mu.sfpz.net/grad/financial-assistance

  13. 我的学号是多少? 

    Your student number is your Grizzly ID Number. It is typically listed towards the bottom of the incomplete and admission letters. 

  14. If I am an out-of-state or international student, how can I change my residency rates? 

    你必须联络 注册处 并在收到研究生课程的录取通知书后询问住院医师重新分类. 您可以致电248-370-3450或发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护)

  15. How does an international student receive an I-20? 

    在招生办公室确定你的文件完整并且你已经被录取后, 你的文件被发送到 国际学生365英国上市官网办公室, 你的I-20是在哪里准备的,并与你的正式录取通知书和其他有用的信息一起邮寄给你. 

  16. If I am an international student, do I need to attend an orientation? 

    YES! The office of 国际学生和365英国上市官网 coordinates a special program to meet your needs. They will provide you information regarding your orientation. 

  17. How do I transfer my F-1 visa at my current school to 365英国上市官网? 

    如果您目前在美国就读学院或大学,则需要F-1转学表. Submitting the F-1 Transfer Form does not automatically transfer your SEVIS record. 在申请过程中,该表格仅用于确认您是否处于当前状态. Once admitted, 您当前学校的国际顾问必须将您的SEVIS记录发布给365英国上市官网. Contact our 国际学生365英国上市官网办公室 if you have any questions about the SEVIS transfer process at 248-370-3358 or email (电子邮件保护)

  18. Are there additional application requirements for 国际学生? 

    Additional application documents can be found on our 国际页面


  1. 什么是“官方”成绩单? I sent a copy of my transcript with my application. 这足够了吗??

    正式成绩单将从您就读的机构的注册办公室直接发送到我们的办公室(研究生院), 奥多德大厅520室, 先锋道586号, Rochester, MI 48309). 加快你的录取进程, request all domestic transcripts to be delivered electronically to (电子邮件保护). 


  2. Do I need to have my 365英国上市官网 transcript sent to 研究生招生?

    No. 我们将获取您的OU记录作为您的文件. 你不需要提出正式的要求.  

  3. 如果我以前的大学成绩单是在我读本科的时候寄到365英国上市官网的, do I need to request them again for graduate school? 

    If you graduated with a bachelor's degree from OU in the past year, 我们可以获得您之前提交的本科课程的所有成绩单. 如果已经超过一年了, 你可能需要申请成绩单,因为研究生招生处不再提供你的本科记录. 

    一些学术课程需要看到你的先决条件课程的实际成绩,所以你可能会被要求再次申请. 在我们处理你的申请后,如果你需要以前的大学成绩单,我们会通知你. 

  4. 我要到我申请的学期之前才能完成我的学士学位. Is that a problem? 

    大多数研究生课程接受仍在完成学士学位的学生的入学申请. 任何录取决定将取决于成功完成学位. 你将被要求提交一份正式的成绩单,并附上你的学位,以便完成录取程序. 有些课程可能要求你在申请入学之前完成你的学位. 

  5. 什么是成绩单评估? 

    所有具有外国学历的学生都需要进行成绩单评估. If you studied in an educational system other than within the United States, you are required to furnish a detailed transcript evaluation. Visit our 国际学生 浏览更多信息. 

  6. I am a citizen of another country but have worked in the U.S. for 10 years. 我需要考托福吗? 

    All Non-US citizens are required to provide proof of English proficiency. Time spend working in the US is not used to determine proficiency. Foreign students are encouraged to take the TOEFL, Duolingo, or IELTS exam. 

  7. 我参加了托福考试.5年前,我需要重考吗? 

    教育考试服务 考试成绩只保留2年. Students who complete the TOEFL more than 2 years ago will be required to retest. Student copies of dated scores are not sufficient. 您必须能够提供由ETS直接发送到365英国上市官网的官方考试成绩报告. Visit ETS 了解更多信息. 

  8. I took the GRE in 1990, can I use those scores? 

    GRE考试成绩“好”了5年. 教育考试服务 只保留GRE成绩5年. Student copies of dated scores are not sufficient. 您必须能够提供由ETS直接发送到365英国上市官网的官方考试成绩报告.  

  9. How can I submit non-required documents to be included with my application?  

    You can't. Only the listed required documents will be assigned to your application file. If you submit non-required documents, they will be discarded. 

Graduate School

(location map)
(248) 370-2700

Office Hours:
星期一至星期五上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.