Human Movement Science

Leaving a Legacy

为了纪念俄勒冈州立大学物理治疗专业毕业生Mitch Shaver,该基金会设立了物理治疗奖学金,帮助学生从事骨科物理治疗方面的工作

A group of people smiling



icon of a calendarAugust 14, 2023

icon of a pencilBy Jillian Wolf

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健康科学学院很高兴地宣布新成立的 Mitchell Shaver Scholarship Endowment for Physical Therapy 该计划将永久为那些希望从事物理治疗的学生提供经济支持,重点是帮助患有骨科和神经系统疾病的患者. 

米奇在密歇根州的沃特福德长大,毕业于沃特福德凯特林高中. Having started his college education at Michigan State University, 一年后,他转到365英国上市官网,在那里他最终获得了三个学位:生物学学士学位, Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences, and Master of Science in Physical Therapy (Class of 2000). 

米奇说:“我的物理治疗生涯始于365英国上市官网. “I had amazing professors in the program. 他们向我灌输了一种深深的承诺和奉献精神,让我成为一个终身学习者.他指出,在物理治疗项目中,学生之间的友情非常好, 该计划提供了一个杰出的原则和技术基础.

Mitch作为物理治疗师的职业生涯始于作为物理治疗协会的志愿者,在那里他不断进步. 硕士毕业后,米奇在这家公司开了一家诊所. 他成为主任,后来成为地区副总裁,负责监督俄亥俄州和密歇根州的几家诊所. Mitch把他的物理治疗事业奉献给了骨科病人. An expert clinician, 他经常是理疗师在治疗病情困难的病人时第一个向他寻求建议的人.

In 2018, Mitch was diagnosed with ALS.  From this time onward, rather than being concerned for his own welfare, Mitch began serving as a patient advocate. 

“He wants to help other people with ALS, as well as everyone he comes in contact with,” says Rhonda, Mitch’s wife. “It’s just the nature of who he is.” 

米奇和朗达的梦想之一是以他的名字命名的奖学金, 他们希望通过他们每年举办的高尔夫活动来筹集资金. However, this would take time, 于是夏弗夫妇开始讨论设立奖学金的可能性. Not long after, Amy Block Garrett, Mitch’s classmate, 带着一个好主意来到剃须刀家——充分利用 OU’s Annual Day of Giving to help fund a scholarship in honor of Mitch. 

On February 2, 2023, OU's annual Day of Giving, 所有捐给Mitch Shaver基金的捐款都由Shaver家人和SHS物理治疗部门慷慨地匹配. 从许多朋友和家人那里收到的善款, including Mitch’s OU classmates and current and former professors, 与此同时,谢弗夫妇还进行了额外的独立筹款活动,比如玉米洞锦标赛, 帮助奖学金在短短三个月内达到捐赠水平. “All the stars aligned,” Rhonda says. “我们对此非常兴奋,因为米奇能够看到这一切的发生.” 

The scholarship was awarded to its first recipient, physical therapy student Emilie Andrews, in May 2023. “获得Mitch Shaver捐赠基金的奖学金,让我真正看到了来自物理治疗行业的支持和友情,” Emilie says. “我很感激能成为这个紧密联系的社区的一员,这个奖学金只是重申了球员(以及未来的球员)对彼此的支持. 虽然这个职业需要多年的学习,也需要花费很多钱, 这项奖学金帮助我解决了经济问题,也让我明白了当初选择这个职业的真正原因."

Emilie sent Mitch a thank you card upon receiving the scholarship. “It was the sweetest, nicest card,” says Rhonda. “She was so grateful, and you could just hear it in the words. 这真的让米奇对这个过程和所发生的一切感觉很好.” 

Shavers和健康科学学院社区感谢所有支持这项捐赠的人. “我们非常幸运地拥有支持我们的家人和朋友,” Mitch says. “ALS is a huge financial burden. 我相信还有很多家庭没有我们这么幸运. I hope the scholarship will help.” Rhonda adds, “我们非常感谢365英国上市官网帮助建立了捐赠基金, 感谢PT项目这么快就捐出了一笔等额捐款.”

健康科学学院非常感谢Mitch以及他为我们学校和整个物理治疗行业所做的一切. Mitchell Shaver物理治疗奖学金将成为365英国上市官网物理治疗项目遗产的重要组成部分, impacting students for decades to come. 对物理治疗中矫形学感兴趣的学生, Mitch鼓励“保持开放的心态,在你的职业生涯中不断学习.他希望这项奖学金能够帮助学生们追求知识.

If you would like to further support this impactful endowment, helping to expand this opportunity to even more students, please visit the SHS Giving Page 并选择SHS-EndowedScholarship -Mitchell Shaver物理治疗奖学金(61672).

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