
Jackie Wiggins



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Order Dr. Wiggins' book 音乐理解教学 (3rd ed.)


Jackie Wiggins is Distinguished Professor Emerita in the 音乐、戏剧和舞蹈学院 at Oakland University. She served as professor of music education at Oakland from 1994-2018, 从1998年到2004年担任音乐项目负责人, as chair of Music, 2004-2017年戏剧和舞蹈, 也是音乐学院的创始院长, 2017-2018年戏剧和舞蹈.

Internationally known for her work in constructivist music education and children’s musical creative process, Wiggins’s professional work includes more than 60 publications, 超过200场演讲, 并邀请了来自四大洲的主题演讲嘉宾, including the National Conference of the Australian Society of Music Education (2009), the International Conference for Research in Music Education in Exeter, UK (RIME, 2011), the Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research in Taipei (2011), and the Conference on Music for and by Children: Musichildren ’17 (Portugal, 2017).

威金斯教授的书, 音乐理解教学 (3rd edition, 2015, 牛津大学出版社), is used by music educators around the world. A Chinese translation of the book was published in China in 2020.



Wiggins, J. (2015). 音乐理解教学 (3rd ed.). 牛津大学出版社.

Chinese Translation:
Wiggins, J. (2020). 音乐理解教学 (3rd ed.). (Trans. by Leung, B.-W., Han, R., and Su, Y.). 北京:人民音乐出版社.

Wiggins, J. (2009). 音乐理解教学 (2nd ed.). Center for Applied Research in Musical Understanding (CARMU).

Wiggins, J. (2001). 音乐理解教学 (1st ed.). McGraw-Hill. (Book and CD).

Wiggins, J. (2002). "通过解决问题来教音乐" B调. Hanley & T. W. Goolsby (Eds.), Musical understanding: Perspectives in theory and practice. 加拿大音乐教育者协会.

Wiggins, J. (1991). Synthesizers in the elementary music classroom: An integrated approach. 全国音乐教育家会议(MENC,特邀).

Wiggins, J. (1990). 课堂作文:教学的工具. 全国音乐教育家会议(MENC,特邀)

Book Chapters

Kondo, S., & Wiggins, J. (2019). Learner agency in musical creative process and learning. In Tsubonou, Y., Tan, A.-G., & Oie, M. (Eds.), Creativity in music education: Creativity in the Twenty-first Century (pp. 17-33). 新加坡施普林格自然. doi: 10.1007/978-981-13-2749-0_2

Wiggins, J., & Espeland, M. (2018). 在音乐学习环境中进行创作. In G. McPherson & G. Welch (Eds.), Music learning and teaching in infancy, childhood and adolescence: An 牛津音乐教育手册 (pp. 121-140). Oxford University. (更新2012年章节的再版). doi: 10.1093 / oxfordhb / 9780199730810.013.0021

Wiggins, J. (2016). Teaching music with a social constructivist vision of learning. In B. Gault & C. Abril (Eds.). Approaches to teaching general music: Methods, issues, and viewpoints (pp. 49-72). Oxford University. doi: 10.1093 / acprof: oso / 9780199328093.003.0004

Wiggins, J. (2016). Musical agency. In G. McPherson (Ed.). The child as musician: A handbook of musical development (2nd ed., pp. 102-121). Oxford University. doi: 10.1093 / acprof: oso / 9780198744443.001.0001

Wiggins, J., & Medvinsky, M. (2013). 脚手架学生作曲家. In M. Kaschub & J. Smith (Eds.), Composing our future: Preparing music educators to teach composition (pp. 109-125). Oxford University. doi: 10.1093 / acprof: oso / 9780199832286.003.0006

Wiggins, J., & Espeland, M. (2012). 在音乐学习环境中进行创作. In G. McPherson & G. Welch (Eds.), 牛津音乐教育手册 (pp. 341-360). Oxford University.

Wiggins, J. (2011). When the music is theirs: Scaffolding young songwriters. In M. Barrett (Ed), 音乐教育的文化心理学n (pp. 83-113). Oxford University. doi: 10.1093 / acprof: oso / 9780199214389.001.0001

Blair, D. V., & Wiggins, J. (2010). 音乐理解教学: A constructivist approach. In J. Ballantyne & B. Bartleet (Eds.), 导航音乐和声音教育 (pp. 16-30). Cambridge Scholars.

Wiggins, J. (2007). 音乐中的作曲过程. In L. Bresler (Ed.) International handbook of research in arts education (pp. 453-470). Springer.

Wiggins, J. (2003). A frame for understanding children’s compositional processes. In M. Hickey (Ed.), How and why to teach music composition: A new horizon for music education (pp. 141-166). 全国音乐教育工作者会议.

Wiggins, J. (2002). 创造性的过程是有意义的音乐思考. In T. Sullivan & L. Willingham (Eds.), Creativity and music education: Research to practice, Volume I (pp. 78-88). L. Bartel, Series Editor. 加拿大音乐教育者协会.

Wiggins, J. (1995). Where does technology belong in the general music classroom? In S. L. Stauffer (Ed.), 面向明天:普通音乐的新愿景 (pp. 93-98). 全国音乐教育工作者会议.

Refereed Articles

Wiggins, J., & Bey, T. (2022). Music learning as life in an African American family:  The story of Charlie Gabriel in New Orleans. 音乐教育历史研究杂志, Special Issue: Sankofa: African American Music Education, 43(2), 115-141. http://doi.org/10.1177/15366006221083707

Wiggins, J. (2015). 建构主义、政策与艺术教育. 艺术教育政策评论,116(3), 115-117. doi: 10.1080/10632913.2015.1038673
(As guest editor of this issue, my introduction to the collection of invited articles.)

Wiggins, J. (2015). 建构主义、政策与艺术教育: Synthesis and discussion. 艺术教育政策评论,116(3), 155-159. doi: 10.1080/10632913.2015.1038674
(As guest editor of this issue, my response to the collection of invited articles.)

Wiggins, J. (2011). Feeling it is how I understand it: Found poetry as analysis. 365英国上市官网与艺术杂志,12(LAI 3). Retrieved [date] from http://www.ijea.org/v12lai3/.

Wiggins, J. (2011) Vulnerability and agency in being and becoming a musician. RIME Keynote发表于 音乐教育研究13(4), 355-367. doi: 10.1080/14613808.2011.632153

Wiggins, J. (2009). Improvisation: Making space for students’ musical ideas. Musicworks: Journal of the Australian National Council of Orff Schulwerk 14(1), 7-11. (invited)

Wiggins, R. A., & Wiggins, J. (2008). Primary music education in the absence of specialists. 365英国上市官网与艺术杂志9(12). Retrieved from http://www.ijea.org/v9n12/

Wiggins, J. (2007). Authentic practice and process in music teacher education. 应邀参加一个特别专题 音乐教育杂志,1993(3), 36-42. 问题焦点:音乐教师教育.) doi: 10.2307/4101537

Wiggins, J., Blair, D. V., Ruthmann, S. A., & Shively, J. L. (2006). 一场关于音乐教育的心与心的实践. The Mountain Lake Reader: Conversations on the Study and Practice of Music Teaching, 4, 82-91.

Wiggins, J. (2005). Fostering revision and extension in student composing. Music Educators Journal, 91(3), 35-42. doi: 10.2307/3400074

Wiggins, J. (2004). 放手——向前走. Mountain Lake Reader: Conversations on the Study and Practice of Music Teaching, 3, 81-95.

Wiggins, J. (2002). Answers to commonly asked questions about composition in the elementary classroom. 密歇根音乐教育家,40岁(1), 23-31. (invited)

Harwood, E., & Wiggins, J. (2001). Composing a lesson. The Mountain Lake Reader: Conversations on the Study and Practice of Music Teaching, 2, 32-41.

Wiggins, J. (2001). 问题的核心. The Mountain Lake Reader: Conversations on the Study and Practice of Music Teaching, 2, 42-43.

Wiggins, J. H. (1999/2000). The nature of shared musical understanding and its role in empowering independent musical thinking. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 143, 65-90. http://www.jstor.org/stable/40319013

Wiggins, J. (1999). “关于成为一个学习者社区,“音乐对孩子来说应该是有趣的。,’” and “On seeing the world small and seeing it big.” The Mountain Lake Reader: Conversations on the Study and Practice of Music Teaching, 1.

Wiggins, J. (1999). 教师控制与创造力. 音乐教育杂志,85(5), 30-35. doi: 10.2307/3399545

Wiggins, J., & Bodoin, K. (1998). Painting a big soup: Teaching and learning in a second-grade general music classroom. 音乐教育研究,第46期(2), 281-302. doi: 10.2307/3345629

Wiggins J., & Wiggins, R. (1997). 通过概念连接进行整合. Music Educators Journal, 83(4), 38-41. doi: 10.2307/3399040

Wiggins, J. (1996). On music teacher education at the turn of the century: The road ahead. 音乐教师教育学报,6(1), 23-28. doi: 0.1177/105708379600600105

Wiggins, J. (1996). 电子媒体在普通音乐课堂中的应用. 音乐教育工作者资源指南,2(2), 4-5 published by SoundTree, educational division of Korg USA.

密歇根音乐学院,4(2), 2-3. 密歇根学校乐队和管弦乐队协会.

Wiggins, J. H. (1995). 构建结构性理解:山姆的故事. The Quarterly Journal of Music Teaching and Learning, 6(3), 57-75.

音乐教育研究展望,16(6), Autumn, 2010). Retrieved from http://www-°© usr.rider.edu/~vrme/

Wiggins, J. (1995). 通过与音乐的创造性互动来学习. 《365英国上市官网》第8期(3), 11-15. doi: 10.1177/104837139500800304

Wiggins, J. H. (1994/1995). Teacher-research in a general music classroom: Effects on the teacher. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 123, 31-35. http://www.jstor.org/stable/40318687

Wiggins, J. H. (1994). Children’s strategies for solving compositional problems with peers. 音乐教育研究杂志,42(3), 232-252. doi: 10.2307/3345702

Wiggins, J. (1993). 音乐课堂的互动学习. General Music Today, 7(1), 15-19. doi: 10.1177/104837139300700106

Wiggins, J. (1993). 有合成器的初级音乐. Special Focus Issue on Keyboards in the Classroom, Music Educators Journal, 79(9), 25-30. doi: 10.2307/3398630

Wiggins, J. (1990). 工作中的合成器. 音乐与计算机教育家,1(8), 36-37.

Wiggins, J. H. (1989). 作文作为教学工具. 音乐教育杂志,75(8), 35-38. doi: 10.2307/3400295

W. Atterbury (Ed.) (1992). The best of the Music Educators Journal: Elementary general music (pp. 113-116). Reston, VA: MENC.

Papers selected for published conference proceedings

Bartel, L., Cameron, L., Wiggins, J., & Wiggins, R. (2004). Implications of generalist teachers’ self-efficacy related to music. In P. M. Shand (Ed.), 进入21世纪的音乐教育, pp. 85-90. Nedlands, Australia: International Society for Music Education.

Wiggins, J. (1995). Creative process as a vehicle for musical growth and understanding. In the proceedings of 斯塔万格的艺术 1995 (an international arts education conference) Stavanger, Norway, August 17, 1995. 


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