
发布这些条款和条件是为了帮助OUWB医科学生了解与经济援助相关的信息,并传达OUWB金融服务必须遵守的操作规定. 学生应对本条款和条件中包含的信息负责,因此应完整阅读本信息. 学生 are required to access their Oakland University email and eBill through MySAIL 定期获取重要的财务信息和消息. 学生能够 分配代理访问权限 在邮箱和 授权用户访问 登入他们各自的帐户,以便家长使用电子帐单, 配偶, 其他人可以访问选定的信息.


看到 出勤费用 to estimate the expenses associated with investing in a medical school education.


学生 must be admitted and enrolled at OUWB to receive financial aid. Federal student loan eligibility requires annual completion of a FAFSA. 强烈鼓励获得基于需求的机构奖励的在校学生每年完成FAFSA. 

Applying early and accurately ensures fullest consideration for financial aid. 经济援助的提供取决于联邦政府, 状态, 机构, 和其他拨款/资金可用性. 在资金和可用性减少的情况下, OUWB保留减少或取消您的报价的权利. 

Situations which may require a financial aid adjustment or cancellation include.

  • 获得其他奖励或资源
  • Total financial aid awards exceed the student’s 出勤费用 (COA)
  • Failure to meet 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) requirements
  • 未满足财政援助要求
  • 入学人数不足
  • 未能保持经济援助资格
  • 入学或住房状况的变化
  • Student drops, withdraws, or is administratively withdrawn from all courses
  • 提供不正确或欺诈性的信息
  • Financial aid is received at another institution during same enrollment period
  • Federal loan default, or pending refund of federal loan funds at another post-secondary institution



All students who choose to borrow are strongly encouraged to borrow only what is needed and to use the OUWB学生贷款策划 每年 协助使借款决定符合预算需求.

All students offered Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan eligibility who choose to borrow, 必须完成以下步骤: 

All students offered Federal 毕业生加分贷款 eligibility who choose to borrow, 必须完成以下步骤:


  • 6月1日- M3 & M4
  • 7月1日- M1 & M2

学生能够 make revisions to their financial aid awards prior to and throughout the academic year. 学生 wishing to revise their currently accepted student loan amounts, 住房计划, 或加入外部奖学金或资源应在他们意识到这一变化后立即联系OUWB金融服务.

例如, 接受的学生贷款可以在支付之前减少,并在通过学校的修订程序收到支付的电子邮件通知后最多30天内减少. If a student loan borrower wishes to decrease their loan after this point, they should contact OUWB 金融服务 to discuss their options. 学生有责任尽快并在适用的付款期限前支付365英国上市官网学生贷款减少所产生的任何余额.

Loan increases may be submitted throughout the semester provided there is remaining eligibility. 建议在学期最后一天上课前至少两周提交贷款增加修订,以便有足够的时间进行处理. 

大学尽一切努力保持准确性, 然而, 如果发生错误, 错误将被纠正. In the event of an overpayment, the student will be billed for any excess amount received.


在满足所有经济援助要求的情况下,每学期的经济援助奖励最多在学期第一天前10天通过记入学生账户支付.  If financial aid requirements are satisfied after the date financial aid is scheduled to be paid, 财务援助将在要求状态在email上显示为满足后的24-72小时内支付.  


  • 需求状态反映在满足上 MySAIL
  • 学生注册了足够数量的学分(至少9学分),以便在支付日期获得奖励 
  • 满足校园住房状况要求(如适用)
  • 完整的/sign all applicable entrance counseling and promissory notes (if applicable)
  • 注册一个合格的学位课程

如果学生收到联邦直接贷款或联邦附加贷款的付款,学生可以在收到付款电子邮件通知的30天内向金融服务部门提交修改表格,取消或减少贷款.  贷款 will be canceled or reduced and the student will be billed for the amount owed to Oakland University.  30天后收到的通知将不予处理.


如果经济援助超过允许的费用(i.e., 学费, 校园房屋), the student will receive a refund to pay other education-related expenses. 退款要么直接存入,要么在经济援助支付到学生账户后的14天内以支票的形式邮寄给学生. If any charges are incurred on the account after financial aid has been refunded, 学生有责任支付额外的费用.


强烈建议学生直接存款报名, 的免费的, 最快, 最安全的退款方式.  查看注册说明 直接存款 通过MySAIL. Direct deposit refunds are typically processed within 5-7 business days of financial aid disbursement.


If the student is planning to purchase books with a financial aid refund, 对于学生来说,只有在满足所有经济援助要求并支付了机构学费和校园住宿费之后,才能期待退款,这一点很重要.  学生 submitting documents late need to allow adequate time for processing.  365英国上市官网不使用代金券购买图书.  学生 who do not receive a financial aid refund must be prepared to pay for books out of pocket. 


联邦法律要求365英国上市官网(OU)确定学生在学期内撤回所有课程时获得的第四章计划援助金额. Actions which result in all courses being withdrawn include: taking a 休假(LOA), 退出项目被放在…上 悬架,并被 被开除出项目. 适用的第四章法律涵盖的项目包括:直接无补贴贷款和直接毕业生PLUS贷款.

Though a student’s aid is typically posted to a student’s account at the start of each semester, 学生在完成学期后就可以获得这笔资金.  如果一个学生在学期中退出所有课程, 学生在此之前获得的第四章计划援助金额由一个特定的公式决定. If the student received less assistance than the amount the student earned, 学生可能会收到这些额外的资金. 如果学生得到的资助多于自己挣的钱, 多余的资金必须由开放大学和/或学生退还.

The amount of assistance that a student has earned is determined on a pro rata basis. 例如, 如果学生完成了学期的30%, the student earns 30% of the assistance that the student was originally scheduled to receive. 一旦学生完成了本学期60%以上的课程, the student earns all the assistance that was scheduled to be received for that semester.

如果学生没有收到所有的资金所赚取的, 学生可能需要支付提款后的费用. If the student’s post-withdrawal disbursement includes loan funds, Oakland University must obtain the student’s permission before it can disburse them. 学生可以选择拒绝部分或全部贷款资金,这样学生就不会招致额外的债务. 公开大学可以自动使用全部或部分学生的提取后支付的助学金资金的学费, 费用, 以及校内食宿费用. 公开大学需要学生的许可才能使用撤销后的补助金支付所有其他学校费用. If the student does not give their permission, the student will be offered the funds. 然而, it may be in the student’s best interest to allow OU to keep the funds to reduce the student’s debt at OU.


If the student received excess Title IV program funds that must be returned, OU必须退还超过部分的部分,等于以下两项中较小者:

  1. the student’s 机构 charges multiplied by the unearned percentage of the student’s funds, or
  2. 超额资金的全部数额.

OU must return this amount even if it didn’t keep this amount of the student’s Title IV program funds.

如果OU不需要退还所有多余的资金, 学生必须退还剩余的金额.

对于学生必须归还的任何贷款资金, the student repays in accordance with the terms of the promissory note. That is, the student makes scheduled payments to the holder of the loan over a period of time.

当所有课程被撤销一个学期时,第四章项目资金的要求与OUWB的学费退款和奖学金回报是分开的. Therefore, the student may still owe funds to OU to cover unpaid 机构 charges. OU will also charge the student for any Title IV program funds that OU was required to return.  

Withdrawing from courses may impact future financial aid eligibility. 学生应熟悉维持财政援助资格政策的满意学业进展.





OUWB承认学生及其家庭可能会遇到联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)在申请经济援助时无法考虑的可减轻的经济状况. OUWB金融服务可能会根据具体情况审查某些类型的情况,以确定经济援助资格是否受到影响. 特殊情况包括:

  • 重要的, involuntary change in family financial situation such as student, 配偶, 或父母下岗或职位终止
  • 婚姻分离, pending divorce or divorce (parties must live in separate residences) after filing the FAFSA
  • 在提交FAFSA后,父母或配偶死亡
  • 与学生教育有关的受抚养人照顾费用
  • 未投保的医疗和牙科费用 
  • 紧急车辆维修  

学生 requesting consideration for an extenuating circumstance must:

  • Submit a FAFSA for the academic year for which they are requesting consideration
  • 是否已收到初步经济资助通知书
  • Be able to provide supporting documentation to substantiate the unique financial situation

请求考虑特殊情况, 学生必须首先联系OUWB金融服务部门,以确定情况是否符合考虑条件. Submitting a special circumstance appeal does not guarantee an approval.

参见: 学生紧急援助基金


我们可以直接联系 (电子邮件保护) 或致电(248)370-3611.